This Aquaus Cloth Diaper Sprayer review contains affiliate links which means I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you if you purchase after clicking my link.
We recently bought a new cloth diaper sprayer- the Aquaus Cloth Diaper Sprayer. We bought the full kit that came with the sprayer itself, the Spray Mate, the clips, and the reaching tool.
I know, I know… I have said before (and again) that I am content without a sprayer and don’t need one. So why did I buy it?
My previous method for removing solid waste from diapers was “dunk ‘n swish.” I always worked just fine for us… until we moved to this new house almost 8 months ago now. The toilets here do not give very much water, and they take forever to refill when I flush to get some fresh water. It was really annoying.
My toddler also has a fruit-heavy diet and some nasty poops to boot. Dunk ‘n swish was becoming more and more difficult for us. However, if it was just my 2.5 year old, we would have just made it work until potty training.
But now we are expecting baby #3! I decided I wanted a diaper sprayer this time since I was struggling so much with dunk ‘n swish, and then I figured if I plan to get one for our third baby, why not just spring for it now so I can use it with these gross toddler poops?
Aquaus 360 Premium Cloth Diaper Sprayer Bundle
The Aquaus 360 Premium Cloth Diaper Sprayer Bundle is the Aquaus bidet with a bunch of handy accessories that make diaper spraying SO easy. There are options to purchase just the sprayer. I wanted the accessories, so I purchased the bundle (buying them all together saves about $15 over purchasing separately). Here are all of the included components:
Aquaus 360 Bidet
First things first– the sprayer itself. It is amazing! Awesome pressure, and installed SO QUICKLY. Literally…it took like 2 minutes. My husband walked out of the bathroom and said, “I’m pretty sure you could have even managed that on your own.”
Haha, THANKS honey.
But that goes to show how easy it is. I know nothing about how to install something like this, so if my husband thinks I could have done it myself just as easily, that says a lot. It comes with everything necessary for the fastest install of any plumbing feature you’ll ever do in your life.
The sprayer is also one of the only ones you will find with backflow prevention, which is important for not wasting any water or causing leaks.
The sprayer turns on and off with an easy-to-use thumb nozzle. There is also an on/off valve for the water flow where the hose hooks up to the toilet. I keep that turned to “off” until I go to spray a diaper–then I turn that valve first and then turn on the sprayer with the thumb nozzle. You don’t necessarily have to turn it on/off, but I have a toddler…so… the second I take my eyes of him he could be playing with that thing and spraying everything. Hah!
The sprayer also comes with a couple different necks/nozzles for different lengths.
The Spray Mate
The Spray Mate is amazing! It has sloped sides and a sloped bottom to make sure no water pools. It comes with a drip tray for you to place underneath the bottom opening of the sprayer when you’re done using it to catch any drips. It is large, yet narrow enough to prevent any backspray messes. All of the mess stays successfully contained inside the Spray Mate.
The only complaint I have about this is that it is too large to fit in my sink cabinet.
The bundle comes with strong clips to hold the diaper to the side of the Spray Mate. These are essentially clothespins, but they are big enough to clip to something as thick as plastic. If you don’t buy the bundle, you could probably use something like chip clips to replicate them if you DIY your own Spray Mate.
The Reacher
The final accessory is the EZ Reach tool. It allows you to grab and stretch the diaper to easily spray out the elastics without using your hands to pull. It helps keep you far away from the mess!
Pros & Cons
This sprayer is awesome! Pros include:
- Extremely Easy Installation- less than 5 minutes!
- Great water pressure
- Backflow prevention
- Easy to use
- Amazing Spray Mate Design that stays secure on the toilet bowl without having to hold it
- Reacher tool works great & makes cleaning elastics easy
- Valve to turn water supply to sprayer on or off
- Sloped sides & bottom of spray mate keeps water from pooling
- Spray Mate is big enough for a diaper on its largest rise to hang without bunching up
- I’ve had zero issues with messy back spray
To be completely honest, I can only come up with one con for this product, and that is that the Spray Mate is kind of large. I was hoping it would fit in the sink cabinet, but it’s too tall. So it has to sit out in the bathroom. To get short enough to fit it would have to lose the legs I love so much! So I consider it a necessary evil.
Why Get A Cloth Diaper Sprayer?
A diaper sprayer is not necessarily an essential cloth diapering item (though many people believe them to be essential once they get used to using one– but if you have never used one, you don’t know what you’re missing, and you find a way to clean diapers just fine).
If your main motivation for using cloth diapers is to save as much money as possible, you may decide to forgo non-essential cloth diapering accessories.
However, if you can spring for a quality diaper sprayer (and DEFINITELY some sort of Spray Mate accessory–I wouldn’t want to use a sprayer without one), you probably won’t be disappointed.
At What Age Do You Need A Sprayer?
For the first six months of baby’s life (or four months if you start solids earlier), you most likely don’t need to do anything with the poop. As long as you have a decent washing machine and a good wash routine, it should wash away with no issues.
Unfortunately, some people have finicky washing machines that don’t agitate well, and they do better at getting diapers clean by removing poop right from the get-go. Having a diaper sprayer would be amazing for that.
Some people will say that you have to spray formula poop, but I know many formula moms that have washed diapers without spraying and had no issues, too, including myself when we had to make the switch with my first!
Some will say that formula poop will just clog the pipes. But in my experience, a liquid diet produces liquid poops. Formula poop is a little bit thicker than breastmilk poop, but when mixed with water in a washing machine, it should dissolve and wash away just fine. However, you can decide for yourself if you want to take that risk. I’m not pretending to be an expert on the solubility of formula poop. I’m just sharing my experience. 🙂
Starting Solids
Once your baby starts eating solids, their poop will start to become chunky and will not dissolve like it used to. At that point, you need to start removing the poop from the diapers before washing.
This is a hard transition for a lot of people. Quite frankly, poop is gross. Nobody really likes dealing with it. It is the reason disposable diapers are by and large the most popular way of diapering.
Eventually, you do get used to it. But many people are searching for ways to make this as painless as possible. A sprayer is a great way to do that.
Sprayer Tips & Tricks
Sometimes, spraying diapers can be messy and some people give up on their sprayer. Here are tips and tricks to make this process as simple & clean as possible:
- Spring for the Spray Mate! Seriously, without an accessory like this, you might as well do dunk ‘n swish in my opinion.
- If you don’t want to purchase the Spray Mate, you can make your own. But the accompanying Spray Mate is perfectly designed to contain the mess and sit on the toilet bowl without falling off. No hassle!
- Use fleece liners, especially if you have some all-in-one diapers with flaps (like the bumGenius Freetimes). If the flaps are attached on the same end, it’s not so bad. But attached on opposite ends can be a pain to remove poop from. Using a fleece liner will contain the poop to one piece of cloth that you can spray. And poop even sprays off the fleece faster and easier than the diaper itself. You may still get poop on the leg elastic, but with the EZ reach tool, that will be easy to take care of. Fleece liners will also protect your diapers from staining.
- If you feel like the poop is being really stubborn to spray off, try letting a poopy diaper rest for a few hours and then spray it. It sounds weird, but I have always found poop so much easier to remove when it isn’t completely fresh (this tip also works for any poop removal method, like dunk ‘n swish). Make sure you have a place to set it that will keep it away from pets or children.
Other Options
The Aquaus 360 Premium Cloth Diaper Sprayer bundle isn’t the only diaper sprayer on the market, however it is certainly one of the best.
Other sprayer options include:
- Bumworks Cloth Diaper Sprayer
- Any bidet sprayer should work, like this Purrfect Zone Bidet Sprayer
What really sells the Aquaus to me is its perfectly designed accessories and the compact design of the sprayer nozzle. And the awesome water pressure! But it’s by no means the only cloth diaper sprayer out there. You may decide to go with a cheaper bidet and then DIY your own spray shield out of a garbage can.
FYI I have been down that road before… and that’s when I just switched over to the dunk ‘n swish method. The Aquaus spray mate is far superior to any one you could DIY and it’s worth the cost.
What do you think of the Aquaus 360 Premium Cloth Diaper Sprayer bundle? Have you tried it and loved it? Let me know in the comments!
This is not a subject you see every day but I’m glad I found your article. My son has a baby. I will definitely tell him and his wife about this. I wish we had this when my kids were younger. It’s ingenious, not to mention easy to use and simple to install. It’s efficiency at its finest. I think this idea should catch on and many people will be interested in using this. Thanks for writing about this. Take care.
Thanks Bob!